Month: <span>April 2016</span>
Month: April 2016

Collectible or Knot: The Value of Handmade Carpets

It doesn’t take much time shopping for a handmade rug or carpet until one will encounter the phrase ‘It’s an investment.’ Usually uttered by a well-meaning salesperson in response to an inquiry regarding the relative expense of the carpet then under consideration, its nuanced meaning is quite oft left intentionally vague and unqualified.

Different Stripes | Reuber Henning

‘How many striped rugs have we seen before?’ begins REUBERHENNING’s Birgit Krah as if she was the one asking the questions. ‘Some are nice, a lot are boring, but stripes have always been fascinating to me. It’s a timeless pattern found in fashion, furniture, and art, even in nature. Never out, always in, the design remains classic and modern, conservative yet freaky all dependant upon how you wear it or [as is the case with carpets] which apartment we put it in.’